If you wish for your makes to be here send your makes and all about them to ditemperton@gmail.com


Made by Julie C

This sports bra is made with the soft AFG Trigress cotton with spandex and powernet. 

Made by Julie C

julie found a fabric online I didn’t have but I managed  to find a piece of this fabric left from one of the Bra Bees. The order was placed Thursday evening posted 1st class recorded delivery. Today Julie recieved her package and completed her bra. Doesn’t it look fabulous.

Made by Denise J 

A red and black Devonshire bra by orange lingerie. Black embroidered lace over red lingerie satin for the cups complete with a red lingerie satin band just beautiful 

Made by Denise J

Denise challenged herself by using a different bra pattern The Denvonshire by Orange Lingerie. On her next one she will only tweek slightly for a better fit. Denise has come on so far since taking a class last year. She has done fabulous. Well done Denise

Made by Joan W

Jessica’s Twin made up in circles stretch lace. Even the powernet is covered in the circles stretch lace. All in ivory even the rosette looks fabulous 

Made by Sandra B 

Made with the navy floral Lycra. A stunning print of pink and blue flowers on a navy blue background. Trimmed with Navy stretch lace. 

The camisole pattern is  butterick 6031 which is the same as simplicity 9285 and the pants are her favourite Kwik sew pattern which is out of print but any pantie pattern would work. It's lovely fabric to work with really pleased with it.

All made from 1 metre of Lycra.

Made by Linda P 14/03/24

Powderpuff Mirror Satin teamed up with Smokey Rose Lace. Such a dream bra. The bra pattern being the Margareta by Bwear. Linda is doing some panties for a matching set. Just beautiful….

Made by Sandra B 14/03/24

A lovely red bra with two sets of panties made with fabrics from Bratastics. Lace was from Sandra’s stash.


Made by Jean G 06/02/24

Jeans Shelly. Black as the sea with sunrise reds flowing though the design. Jean managed to capture the design all the way down the straps and along the side seam.  A stunning looking bra. 


Made by Sophie A 06/02/24

After a few months of not sewing Sophie decided to make the Black Beauty view A with lace. With Valentine’s Day just round the corner Sophie decide to make a red bra. Sophie made the bra into a longline adding boning to the sides and the front. Hasn’t she made a wonderful job. 

Made by Carol 21/01/24
The first customer make of 2023.

After taking the beginners bra class last year Carol saved her well fitting bra until she had done the underwear class. We had a fab time. Carol went home and  made some panties the following day to make a set with the bra from her previous class. 
They look fabulous don’t you all agree !


Another set by Sophie A

The Hanna bralette by Studio Costura.

The stretch lemon popsicle lace teamed up with yellow elastics. A fun bralette very summery.

The panties were made all from scraps. The Vera pattern also by Studio Costura. Doesn’t it show we shouldn’t throw any scraps away.

A beautiful set hasn’t she done well


Made by Sophie A

A heavily modified favourite pattern Sophie made the Black Beauty


Made by Lindsey R

Lindsey made the Lusamine by Lilypadesigns

there were lots of alterations to get the perfect fit.

Reduced top gore by 3mm to 22mm

Widened by 8mm

Added a Gothic Arch

reduced underband elastic to 18mm

Reduced height undercup to 18mm to reduce rolling

Altered both bcd to get that perfect fit. 
Strap moved in to stop falls off shoulders.

This was Lindsey’s second attempt at the Lusamine.
After trying umpteen patterns and trying to draft from scratch eventually a perfect bra. Hasn’t Lindsey done extremely well. 







made by Sandra B 

Sandra decided to go with the simplicity 8229 with the Pansy and Roses kit. 
Beautiful work Sandra


Sandra and I talked about this new kit. She helped me tremendously making this slip. Well done Sandra on making such a wonderful slip.